Sunday, September 6, 2015

Starting a New Me

This is a difficult post for me to say at the very least.  It's something that makes me very uncomfortable to talk about, but yet I know I need to talk about it and make some changes, and I figure if I post about it, then maybe I'll be more motivated to stay with it.

I have been overweight my whole life, that's nothing new. However, now that I am getting older, I've noticed some alarming physical changes that just need to end.  I hate being so tired all the time, I hate not being able to go for walks and such with my boyfriend, and I hate that after working an 8 hour shift, that my feet and hips hurt so bad and I wake up hurting the next day.  I'm only 30 and something has to change.

A few months ago I had joined a gym for the first time in my life.  That was pretty short lived though since I just couldn't get the motivation to go after working all day, and then having to drive like 20 minutes to get there.  So I've decided to look at myself and make small changes that will hopefully lead to a larger outcome in the future.

This first week was just about getting it in my mind.  I weighed myself on Monday, and haven't really done anything different except for tracking what I eat.  I've also started taking Lipozene to see what affect it will have.  I haven't taken diet pills in years, so we'll see if it does anything.  I look forward to tracking my progress and my thoughts and emotions.  I've always been someone that benefits from writing things down, so hopefully this will continue.

And just so you know everything...I do have a thyroid problem and will be starting back on that medicine, as well as I have medicine to help my PCOS that I will be starting back to taking too.  I don't want to just lose weight and look better, but I want to feel better as well.

Thanks for reading my first entry, any advice or positive thoughts are welcome, but please no negative ones!
This picture was taken in July 2015, and I'm hoping that my next July I'll look more like the self I want to be.

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