Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stressed OUT!!!

So right now I am so stressed about just everything! I'm in the middle of this semester and it seems like I have so much going on and due. Then on top of that I'm stressing about next school year because hopefully I'll be graduating and I'm worried about getting a job. AND THEN I'm stressing about my relationship. Don't get me wrong, I know I love Anthony, but my sister said something to me the other day that really worries me...that he is going to be just like his father. His father is a horrible man! He cheats, drinks, thinks he's God's gift to the world, etc. I can see that Anthony does sometimes have a similar attitude as him, but I never thought he would be JUST LIKE him. It worries me because I don't really believe in divorce, I don't want to go through that. So, I don't want to marry Anthony just to turn around and be hurt because he is cheating on me. Geez, I'm just so stressed! I had to vent somewhere, and I figure that no one reads this anyway so I would write here. Later!

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